Welcome to our institute!

In 1994, thanks to the creation of the EITI them. Academician K. Satpayev, young people have the opportunity to get a prestigious higher education without leaving their hometown.

Over the twenty years of its existence, the Institute has trained over 9000 specialists who successfully work in all industries in various regions of Kazakhstan. Graduates of EITI them. Academician K. Satpayev have confirmed their diplomas and are working in Russia, Canada, USA, Germany and other countries.

Founder of EITI them. Academician K. Satpayev - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician Marat Pazylovich Mardenov. His merits were marked with the international award "Intellect of the Nation" (Moscow, 2010)

EITI them. Academician K. Satpayev successfully has a perpetual state license АА №0000243 and has a valid international accreditation.

The Institute trains specialists in 13 educational programs.

He is a member of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

EITI is the owner of the international award "EUROPEN QUALITY" (European quality), received in Oxford, Great Britain.

This 2021, the Institute took 11th place among the best technical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the National Rating conducted by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.

One of the key priorities of the EITI named after academician K. Satpayev is to ensure the employment of graduates, which is more than 85%, which has been repeatedly noted by high positions in the ranking of universities, conducted by NPP "Atameken".

The Institute cooperates with the Freiberg Mining Academy (Germany), the Canadian company "NATCH", the National Mining University of Ukraine, as well as leading universities of the Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.

Students of EITI them. Academician K. Satpayev undergo practical training at the country's unique industrial giants: the Bogatyr Komyr and Vostochny coal mines, GRES-1, GRES-2, etc.

About the institute Contact Information
Rector's welcome speech

Dear friends! Dear applicants, students, graduates, teachers and staff of the university!

I am glad to welcome you to Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after academician K. I. Satpayev, the only university in the Ekibastuz fuel and energy region!

I say with confidence that choosing our Institute, which for more than a quarter of a century trains highly qualified, modern technical specialists for the heat and power and industrial industries in demand in the region, you can be sure of your successful future and will fully realize yourself!

K. Satpayev EETI is the owner of the international award "EUROPEN QUALITY" (European Quality), received in Oxford, UK, in addition, we took 11th place among the best technical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the National Rating conducted by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.

This year, the university has successfully passed institutional accreditation and accreditation for educational programs.

The practice of employers’ and heads of city-forming enterprises’ participation in the educational activities of the Institute is constantly expanding, which allows us to improve educational programs and take into account the needs and requirements of enterprises and organizations of the region.

The Institute is one of the first universities in Kazakhstan, educational programs of which were approved and entered into the Register of educational Institutions even before the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year. In the ratings conducted by NCE "Atameken" our Educational Programs are in the TOP 10 in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Every year, the base for passing all types of practices is expanded. The Institute has branches at the leading enterprises of the region, on the basis of which practical training of students is carried out.

The Institute employs 117 teachers, including 3 Doctors of Sciences, 35 Candidates of Sciences, 3 PhD, 22 Masters of Sciences.

The teachers of the Institute are participants of the republican contest "The best university teacher", have certificates of Accreditation as a subject of scientific and scientific-technical activity, have patents, copyright certificates, take part in contractual, grant research works.

All of the above ensures one of the key priorities of academician K. Satpayev EETI is the successful employment of graduates, which is more than 85%, which has been repeatedly noted by high positions in the ranking of universities conducted by NCE "Atameken".

In conclusion, I would like to note the important advantage of K. Satpayev EETI, which is that our young people have the opportunity to get a decent higher education in their hometown, stay here in the future, find their place of work and contribute to the development and prosperity of their native region. We are doing everything to reduce the outflow of personnel and youth from the region!

Sivaraksha Dalida Maratovna - Rector of the Institute
Бюро национальной статистики Агентства по стратегическому планированию и реформам Республики Казахстан (далее – Бюро), в сотрудничестве с Представительством Детского фонда ООН (ЮНИСЕФ) в Республике Казахстан проводит работы по реализации проекта «Мультииндикаторное кластерное обследование (МИКС 2024) на 2023-2025 годы».
Профессор Карстен Дребенштед из Фрайберской Горной академии, Германия проводил занятия с 6.05.2024 по 17.05.2024 по дисциплине Основы горного производства для ОП Горное дело и ОП Технологические машины и оборудование
В Екибастузском инженерно-техническом институте имени академика К. Сатпаева 25.04.2024 года прошел II этап Республиканской предметной олимпиады среди студентов высших учебных заведений, посвященной 125-летию академика Каныша Имантаевича Сатпаева, по образовательной программе 6В07205 – «Горная инженерия» по дисциплинам «Основы горного производства», «Физика горных пород», «Технология горных пород».
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