Competition of student papers in the field of energy industry among students of higher and secondary educational institutions of Pavlodar and Ekibastuz
On June 13, Pavlodarenergo JSC hosted a competition of student papers in the field of energy industry among students of higher and secondary educational institutions of Pavlodar and Ekibastuz. The student of the BIS-31k group, Zhumat Atakozi, became the winner of this competition. The student's supervisor is Sabriden Seitkanovich Seitkanov, senior lecturer at the Department of Automation and Information Systems. Congratulations!!! ...
Industrial practice of students of the department "Automation and Information Systems"
Ekibastuz City Day!
Dear residents of Ekibastuz! Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician Satpayev sincerely congratulates you on the City Day! We wish prosperity, well-being and further development to our beloved city. May every day bring new achievements and joys!   ...
June 4 is the Day of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of youth, students and citizens
June 4 is the Day of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan   June 4 - the Day of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the entertainment center with the participation of youth, students and citizens, an action was held to sing the anthem “Menin Kazakstanym” and the song “Atameken". During the action, about 150 citizens stood up and sang songs together, showing respect for our flag.   ...
Admission committee of Ekibastuz engineering and technical institute named after academician K. Satpayev
The admissions committee of the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K. has started its work. Satpayev. We work daily from 9.00 to 18.00, weekends on Sundays.     ...
Day of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Today, a solemn event dedicated to the Day of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the square of the central flagpole of the city of Ekibastuz.   ...
May 31 is the Day of Remembrance of Political Victims..
         On May 31, an event dedicated to mourning for citizens and the memory of political victims was held.                                         For a moment, they silently remembered those who died from the consequences of political repression.                                &n...
Бюро национальной статистики Агентства по стратегическому планированию и реформам Республики Казахстан (далее – Бюро), в сотрудничестве с Представительством Детского фонда ООН (ЮНИСЕФ) в Республике Казахстан проводит работы по реализации проекта «Мультииндикаторное кластерное обследование (МИКС 2024) на 2023-2025 годы».
Целью обследования является расширение возможности Казахстана по мониторингу защиты прав ребенка с помощью надежных данных и анализа. Реализация данного проекта позволит определить уровень благополучия детей и женщин, а также и отследить прогресс в эффективности реализации национальных программ и планов развития. ...
125th anniversary of the birth of K.Satpayev, 84th anniversary of the birth of academician M.P. Mardanov and the 30th anniversary of the K.Satpayev EITI.
On May 6, a solemn event was held at the 125th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Satpayeva, at the 84th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. P. Mardenova and at the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. K. Satpayeva. Director” Center for the development of young initiatives " E. A. Kusanil rector of the Institute of engineering and technology.Akademika K. I. Satpayeva Sivarakshe in the marathon of the Ble...
Registration for participation in the UNT
Good evening, applicants! Taking into account the opinions of applicants who did not have time to apply for participation in the main UNT, the registration database for testing will be open for all test takers tomorrow, May 22 from 10.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m.   Test takers who did not have time to apply will only be able to register for the app.testcenter AVAILABLE on the dates. For applicants who have already applied twice, this action will not be available. &nbs...
Профессор Карстен Дребенштед из Фрайберской Горной академии, Германия проводил занятия с 6.05.2024 по 17.05.2024 по дисциплине Основы горного производства для ОП Горное дело и ОП Технологические машины и оборудование
Exhibition of the book
Within the framework of the event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the formation of the K. Satpayev EITI and the 125th anniversary of the birth of Academician K. Satpayev, founded by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, academician M. P. Mardenov in the walls of the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after K. Satpayev, the staff of the Central City Library organized a book exhibition entitled "Tutas dauirdin zhuldyz tulgasy". ...
State educational grants
THE LIST OF STATE EDUCATIONAL GRANTS HAS BEEN PUBLISHED   A list of educational grants for the 2024-2025 academic year for all levels of higher education has been published today. This year, 112 thousand grants were allocated for higher education. The largest number of grants were received by the groups of educational programs "Engineering, manufacturing, construction industries", their number is 19,344 grants. Further, "Pedagogical Sciences" – 13,735 grants,...
Republican hackathon
On May 4, 2024, the results of the republican hackathon "KuickHack'24" in the nomination "Education" were summed up in which Zozulya Elena Sergeevna M.T.N., senior lecturer at the Department of AIIS presented a software product created using artificial intelligence: An interactive cross-platform educational application in mathematics with elements of gamification and took 2nd place. ...
Today is Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day By government decree, the second Sunday in May is designated Mother's Day in the country. A bow to the noble mothers who put the whole world in their arms, in the support of the family, in the pen of happiness! ...
Happy Victory Day!
Today, in honor of Victory Day, flowers were laid on the Eternal Flame and WWII veterans were honored.      The solemn event was attended by the mayor of the city, deputies of the city maslikhat, as well as home front workers and military personnel, civil servants, police officers and youth.   Those gathered in the square observed a minute of silence in memory of the veterans who died on the battlefield. ...
Speech by Associate Professor of the Department of "Construction" Bulat Bulatovich Unaibaev at the MNPK "Prospects for innovative development of coal regions of Russia" in the branch of KuzSTU
On April 25-26, Associate Professor of the Department of "Construction" Unaibayev Bulat Bulatovich made a welcoming speech and a report at the NPC "Prospects for innovative development of coal regions of Russia" in the branch of KuzSTU in Prokopyevsk. He also took part as a jury in the competition of technical projects. ...
May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day
“The duty of youth is to protect the Motherland”, dedicated to the Fatherland Defense Day
ECO-CROSS - 2024 Environmental Marathon
The youth of Ekibastuz took part in the ecological marathon "ECO-CROSS - 2024" ...
May 4 is a professional holiday — Firefighters' Day
On May 4, Firefighters' Day, their professional holiday, is celebrated internationally by people of a courageous profession who protect and save people's lives, animals, and property from fire. ...
An event dedicated to Victory Day and the 100th anniversary of Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev
  May 9th is approaching - the day of the Great Victory. This holiday reminds us of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended our Homeland from fascism at the cost of their own lives. It is important to convey to children and youth the full significance of those war years. For this purpose, an event was held with students "Heroes of the Great Patriotic War". The students were introduced to the history and biography of the heroes of the Kazakh SSR, including the P...
Activists of the Jastar Legacy of the Vostochny mine, together with the HR service and managers of the coal enterprise, held an ERG day in 4 educational institutions.
1 may is the Day of Unity of the People Kazakhstan
В Екибастузском инженерно-техническом институте имени академика К. Сатпаева 25.04.2024 года прошел II этап Республиканской предметной олимпиады среди студентов высших учебных заведений, посвященной 125-летию академика Каныша Имантаевича Сатпаева, по образовательной программе 6В07205 – «Горная инженерия» по дисциплинам «Основы горного производства», «Физика горных пород», «Технология горных пород».
    Цель олимпиады: раскрытие творческих способностей, отбор и поддержка наиболее талантливых и одаренных студентов; содействие формированию интеллектуального потенциала студентов; привлечение студентов и молодых ученых к решению научных проблем современности; развития интереса к научной деятельности.   В мероприятии приняли участие 10 команд вузов Республики Казахстан: НАО «Казахский Национальный исследовательский технический университет имени К.И. Сатпаева» (г. Алма...
В ЕИТИ им ак К Сатпаева прошла гостевая лекция с участием специалистов очень крупного предприятия Казахстана
В состав группы входят рудники открытого типа Бозшаколь Павлодарской области, Актогай в Абайской области, ГОК Бозымчак в Кыргызстане и медный проект Баимская в Чукотском АО РФ. Представители предприятия ознакомили студентов с технологическим процессом, провели викторину с награждением ценными призами и пригласили наших выпускников поучаствовать в программе " Стажер" и в дальнейшем трудоустроиться на предприятие.   ...
Обучение в течении всей жизни – новые возможности для Казахстанцев
Обучение в течение всей жизни, ставшее актуальным трендом в последние десятилетия, повышает конкурентоспособность людей через развитие интеллекта, структурированного мышления, способности к адаптации и самоорганизации, расширение круга знакомств, возможностей и представлений о мире, улучшение психологического здоровья. В Екибастузском инженерно-техническом институте имени академика К.Сатпаева реализуется проект "Серебряный университет", который предназначен для пожилых людей и н...
On March 5, 2024, the sports contest "Fun Starts" among the female staff of the faculty of the Institute and college was held in the sports hall of the Institute, dedicated in honor of the memory of the founder of the institute, Academician M.P. Mardenov, the 125th anniversary of Kanysh Satpayev and the celebration of International Women's Day.
  There were 5 teams in total. Each game was prepared by Zhalmaganbetova Dinara Kairullayeva. Our girls easily coped with various relay races. The winners were awarded the rolling cup of the founder, academician M.P. Mardanov, and all teams were awarded diplomas and cash prizes. Thanks to all the participants of the Spartakiad! We wish you to always shine, dream, love, create, surprise and enjoy life. Be always successful, impeccable, strong, brave and inimitable! ...
Поздравления от наших студентов!
Наши студенты получили 1 место в дебатах, под руководством Динары Кайруллаевны
Поздравляем, так держать!!! ...