HomeNewsСтуденты и преподаватели Екибастузского инженерно-технического института им.ак.К.И.Сатпаева принимают активное участие в очистке и благоустройстве родного города Экибастуз!
Students and teachers of Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after academician K. I. Satpayev take an active part in the cleaning and improvement of their hometown of Ekibastuz! - News

Students and teachers of Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after academician K. I. Satpayev take an active part in the cleaning and improvement of their hometown of Ekibastuz! This Saturday, together with the Akim and leadership of the town, deputies of municipal and regional Maslikhat, our students went out for another clean-up day!