Essay Victory Day 2020
In 2020, our country will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. As part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the EITI.The Department of social and humanitarian disciplines and vocational training named after K. Satpayev held a Republican contest of creative essays "Menin Atam", "Menin Atam", Essey"Mygrandfather"in three languages among the first-year students of the Faculty of engineering and economics.
The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 lasted 1418 days and nights. This tragedy passed through the heart of every family and every citizen of the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, more than 27 million people died. This is a tragedy in absolutely every country. Many people died from starvation, bombing, shooting, harsh living and working conditions. In these difficult years, soldiers and ordinary people performed feats that saved the lives of others, brought the Great Victory closer. All residents of our country and former post-Soviet states have been remembering these terrible events for 75 years. We remember the 75th anniversary of the great victory with deep respect and respect our ancestors who fought for our homeland against Nazi Germany!
It is very important that we do not forget and pass on the entire history of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 to our tell the younger generation the truth about the war, about its heroes and their exploits, about the suffering and suffering of the selfless inhabitants of our homeland.
In modern society, in the world of Information Technology,the concepts of conscience, honor and dignity can be easily replaced. It is easy to distort and downplay the achievements of the Soviet people in the great victory, rewrite the history and work of our ancestors - it is our duty to prevent this! The family, educational organizations, public organizations, youth and patriotic movements should tell and show the heroes of the motherland, tell about the exploits of brave citizens of our country.
It is even more important if they hear this from the first mouth, from the participant himself or from a witness to these events and see his rewards.
Each family respects the memory of its ancestors, carefully preserves the awards of its heroes. Speaking about the exploits, courage and love for the motherland of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, descendants develop a sense of pride for their ancestors, strive to be like them and form responsibility for their actions to their ancestors.
It is important to preserve the memories of the Great Patriotic War, the tragic events and heroic deeds of our ancestors for centuries and pass them on from generation to generation. Fostering respect for veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War and national pride for the country.
The exploits of great people are forever inscribed in the history of our country! Heroes of the Great Patriotic War-streets, avenues and squares of all cities of the country! Hero cities that bravely defended themselves during the Great Patriotic War have received a special rank!
For us, the example of our ancestors is very important, because selflessness, courage, determination and love for the Motherland have become a way of life for many ! This is a great moral lesson for future generations!
The results of the essay will be announced at the Student Conference.
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