State educational grants - News



A list of educational grants for the 2024-2025 academic year for all levels of higher education has been published today. This year, 112 thousand grants were allocated for higher education. The largest number of grants were received by the groups of educational programs "Engineering, manufacturing, construction industries", their number is 19,344 grants. Further, "Pedagogical Sciences" – 13,735 grants, "Information and Communication Technologies" – 10,903 grants, "Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics" – 8,288 grants.


This year, differentiated grants with partial tuition fees were introduced for the first time. 150 differentiated grants were allocated for the GOP "Pedagogical Sciences" and "Social Sciences, Journalism and Information".


Also, 3,903 grants have been allocated for applicants under the Serpin program. It is worth noting that the Serpin project provides education in 4 areas of training: pedagogical sciences, engineering, information technology, agriculture. Rural youth from the southern regions of the country participate in the program. Previously, the grant processing period was reduced from 3 to 2 years, and the place of processing was expanded to 11 regions.


The list of grants also includes 5,000 targeted educational grants for young people from densely populated, newly educated and western regions to study at leading universities, including for applicants from Atyrau and Mangistau regions. In total, about 79 thousand grants have been allocated for admission to the bachelor's degree in the 2024-2025 academic year.


About 13 thousand grants have been allocated for admission to the master's program, and more than 1,900 for admission to the doctoral program.


The full list of the distribution of educational grants for the 2024-2025 academic year is available on the website of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the following links:


Bachelor's degree

Master's degree program

Doctoral studies