Purposes in quality area

To fulfill the mission and strategic goal, the Institute declares a policy and goals in the field of education quality, embodied in comprehensive and targeted improvement and development programs aimed at providing its consumers with services at a level dictated by modern requirements, and having the following GOALS:


  • Strengthening the Institute's position in the market of educational and scientific and technical services in the field of its activities in the conditions of a multi-level multi-stage system of training specialists on the basis of state mandatory educational standards of a new generation and taking into account the requirements of the labor market;
  • Establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with all parties interested in educational and scientific (research) activities, studying and forecasting their needs, implementing these needs in the educational process;
  • Formation of personal responsibility and internal motivation of each employee for the quality of education within their competence, ensuring a clear understanding by each employee of their tasks, responsibilities, powers and responsibilities;
  • Active involvement of scientific and pedagogical staff, employees and students in activities to improve the quality of education through continuous improvement of their competence, motivation, support of creative initiative, development of corporate culture, creation of a creative atmosphere;
  • Continuous improvement of educational activities taking into account the opinion of students and the needs of the labor market based on the introduction of new educational and information technologies, the results of research activities;
  • Development and improvement of the effectiveness of the system of training and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in accordance with the needs of their professional activities;
  • Continuous development and improvement of educational, methodological and logistical support of educational activities, working and study conditions of staff and students;
  • Improvement of educational activities and the educational process in order to form a socially active and creative personality of the student who has professional responsibility, independence, civic consciousness, high moral values;
  • Ensuring academic reputation and freedom, preventing academic deception;
  • Prevention of any form of intolerance and discrimination against students or employees;
  • Participation of representatives of external stakeholders in quality assurance.