Arsyutin Nikolay Gennadievich

He began his career in 1987 as an apprentice of the helmsman of the Pavlodar Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant. From 1988 to 1990 he served in the Soviet Army. Since 1990, he worked as a motorist-sailor of the ship "Rocket-11" of the Upper Irtysh River Shipping Company of Pavlodar. Since 1997 he has been engaged in entrepreneurial activity. In 1997, he worked as the head of the Irtysh CHMP. Since 1998, he has been in charge of Arnica LLP. In 2003, he worked as a director of DAK-NTM LLP. In 2004, Commercial Director of NURA LLP in Karaganda. Since 2008, Director of "Asia-Transit" LLP in Ekibastuz. Since 2010, the head of the farm "Nomad". From 2012 to the present, he has been working as the director of Pavlodar Branch No. 2 of KSP Steel LLP.
He is a member of the Auyl party. Deputy of the Ekibastuz city Maslikhat of the 6th convocation from the Auyl party, is the chairman of the permanent commission of the city maslikhat for the development of the agro-industrial sector, ecology and nature management.
Svambayev Ryskan Tishpekovich

From 1982 to 1999 he worked at Ekibastuz GRES-1. He went from a crawler driver to the head of the technical development service. In 2001, Deputy General Director for Technical Affairs at AES Mtkvari (Georgia), Technical Director at the Sogrin Thermal Power Plant. Since June 2009, Director of the Balkhash Thermal Power plant.
Since April 2010, the General Director of LLP "Ekibastuz GRES-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov".

He started his career in 2008 as a sales manager of Maykuben West LLP. In 2010, he was appointed Director of Maykuben Trans LLP. Since 2012, he has been engaged in entrepreneurial activity, is the director of EMIRAIT LLP. Currently, he holds the position of Deputy Director General for Relations with state Bodies of BC LLP
and is a member of the Nur Otan party.
He is a deputy of the Ekibastuz city Maslikhat of the 6th convocation, a member of the permanent commission of the city maslikhat for ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.
Dzhumanbaev Sayat Zeynekeshevich

He worked as an electrician on duty at "EGRES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov", shift supervisor of the "Electric Shop", deputy head of the workshop for exploitation. Currently, he works as the head of the "Electric Shop" at EGERES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov.

He started his career in 2001 as an electric welder of the 4th category of Kazmontazhservice LLP in ZHB and K Plant LLP. Since 2003, he worked as an electrician of JSC "Gorelektroset", in 2007 he was transferred to the operational dispatch service - dispatcher. Since 2018, he has been working as Deputy Chief Engineer - Chief Power Engineer of JSC "Gorvodokal".

He started his career in 2012 as an electrician for the repair of RZIA equipment, a group of own needs of LLP "EGRES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov", an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, an engineer for the repair of RZiA and PAA ORU 500 kV. Currently, he holds the position of an engineer for the repair of RZiA of the 2nd category of EGRES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov LLP.

He started his career in 2012 as an electrician for the repair of the equipment of the RZIA, the group of own needs of the LLP "EGRES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov", an engineer for the repair of the equipment of the RZA, the electrical laboratory of the ORU. Currently, he holds the position of repair master, fire extinguishing automation group of LLP "EGRES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov".

Dyachenko Arkady Nikolaevich
In 2006, he graduated from the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.Satpayev with a degree in Electric Power Engineering.
He started his career in 2003, as a master of the RZA and PAA group of lines - Ekibastuz GRES-1im.B.Nurzhanova. Currently, he holds the position of Deputy Head of the electric workshop of EGRES-1im.B.Nurzhanova LLP.
Saybatalov Evgeny Nurfayasovich
He graduated from the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.Satpayev with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering.
The dispatcher worked, the senior dispatcher at the "Thermal networks", the shift supervisor of the station, the head of the boiler and turbine shop "ETETS", the chief engineer of the "Thermal Networks". Currently holds the position of Chief Engineer of JSC "Gorvodokanal".
Abeldinov Serikbai Kairgeldinovich
In 2005 he graduated from the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.Satpayev with a degree in Power supply and Electrification.
He worked as the head of the CTAI at ETEC, the chief engineer of ETEC. Director of Production of JSC "EGRES-2". Currently, he holds the position of head of the department "Monitoring of production programs" - Samrukenergo.
Boldashevsky Andrey Alekseevich
In 2009 he graduated from the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.Satpayev with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering.
He worked as a locksmith for the HVO at ETEC, the head of the chemical plant.ETEC workshops. Currently, he holds the position of Head of the Fuel and transport Department of Pavlodarenergo JSC.
Bogatenkov Alexey Ivanovich
In 2000, he graduated from the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.Satpayev with a degree in Thermal Power Plants.
He worked as the shift supervisor of the KTC "ETEC", the senior shift supervisor of "ETEC". Currently, he holds the position of head of the TTC of JSC "Palodarenergo".
Rakhmanov Viktor Gattarovich
In 2000, he graduated from the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.Satpayev with a degree in Thermal Power Plants. He worked as a machinist for boiler equipment of LLP "EGRES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov", a power unit machinist, a leading engineer for operation, ECO. Currently holds the position of Deputy head of KTC-1 LLP "EGRES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov".
Kadyrbekov Alexandra Pavlovna
In 2008, she graduated from the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.Satpayev with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering. She worked as an engineer of Ekibastuz Thermal Networks LLP, an engineer of the 2nd category of Ekibastuz GRES-2 Station JSC, an engineer for accounting and analysis of TEP of B.Nurzhanov EGRES-1 LLP. Currently, he holds the position of head of PTO LLP "EGRES-1 named after B.Nurzhanov".