Students of the EITI participate in the cleaning of campaign sites on the Day of the celebration of "Nauryz Meiramy"
On Friday, the students of the EITI participated in the cleaning of campaign sites along 72 Koroleva Street on the Day of the celebration of "Nauryz Meiramy".   ...
Action "National costumes"
On the eve of the Great holiday "Nauryz", from March 15 to March 18, the institute held an action "National Costumes". Students and faculty of the Institute actively participated in this action. And they won cash prizes from the management!     ...
Our priorities are unchanged, we do everything to ensure that our students are: - high qualification, which means high value for the employer; - competitiveness, demand in the labor market; - successful development of personal and professional qualities; - the best prospects for personal growth; - Educated people are also appreciated abroad, which means it will be easier for you to leave if you want to; - EITI named after Academician K. Satpayeva is the only higher educational institution...
Round table on the topic
Today, a regular round table was held in the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic "Quality education is the key to the successful future of the nation" as part of the implementation of the instructions of the Head of State "Lessons of "Tragic January": the unity of society is a guarantee of independence", given at a meeting of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 11, 2022, in which the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technica...
These spring holidays are especially pleasant to congratulate our beautiful and blooming half of the team of the K.Satpayev EITI!
Dear, lovely women! We cordially congratulate you on the 8th of March! Nature has endowed you with incomparable beauty and inexhaustible energy, spiritual tenderness and selfless devotion, vital wisdom and amazing patience. You keep the family hearth, raise children, achieve success in professional and social activities, while always remaining young and beautiful. On this day we wish you smiles, wonderful festive mood, family happiness, well-being, health to you and your loved ones! Always be ch...
A landmark event took place yesterday in the city of Nursultan - a meeting of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan with rectors of universities.
During the meeting, the issues of further development of higher education, expansion of academic freedom of universities, increasing the attractiveness of higher education, the development of university science and many others were considered. After that, a seminar was held on the topic "Standards of academic integrity". The speaker was Duishonkul Shamatov, Professor of Nazarbayev University.   ...
On 01.03.22, a meeting was held with Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology of the Omsk State Technical University Churankina V.G. with the rector of the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after K.Satpayev Sivaraksha D.M. with the assistance and on the basis of the industrial site of Prommashkomplekt LLP. The round table discussed issues of cooperation in the field of double degrees, exchange of experience between the teaching staff of EITI an...
A round table was held at which topical issues of ensuring employment and reducing unemployment were raised
On February 25, the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted a round table on the topic: "Topical issues of ensuring employment and reducing unemployment", with the participation of representatives of state and local executive bodies, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, educational institutions, international and other organizations. The event was organized as part of the implementation of the instructions of the Head of State given in the Majilis of the Parliament on January 11,...
A document on mutual cooperation of the EITI with the Akimat of Pavlodar region and the largest enterprises such as EkibastuzFerroAlloys LLP and Mineral Product International LLP was signed
On February 25, 2022, the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after ak.K.I.Satpayev, as well as the college of the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after ak.K.I.Satpayev signed a Memorandum of mutual cooperation with the Akimat of Pavlodar region and such major enterprises as EkibastuzFerroAlloys LLP, Mineral Product LLP International", Aksu Electrometallurgical Plant. The trilateral agreement is necessary to strengthen cooperation and unite the common ...
"Legal aspects of drug consumption and distribution"
Every academic year, conversations are held with 1st – 2nd year students at the Institute, booklets are distributed to promote a healthy lifestyle, in order to prevent adolescent drug addiction in educational institutions. A meeting of students took place at our institute. The "Legal aspects of drug consumption and distribution" were discussed with the head of the Department for Combating Drug Crime of the Pavlodar Region Police Department, Police Lieutenant Colonel Irina Temi...
Me and the law
В Екибастузском инженерно-техническом институте им акад. К.Сатпаева были проведены эдвайзерские часы со студентами 1-2 курсов всех специальностей на тему «Я и закон». Цель мероприятия в упорядочении знания ребят о правонарушениях, ознакомить их с видами нарушений и наказаниями за них. Студенты активно обменивались своими мнениями, рассуждениями, отстаивали свою точку зрения. Закон должен быть внутри нас и мы должны его соблюдать!   ...
Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
Training of teaching staff, administration and technical staff of the Academician K.Satpayev EITI on labor protection, safety and anti-terrorist security was conducted
11 октября было проведено обучение ППС, администрации и тех.персонала ЕИТИ им.академика К.Сатпаева по охране труда, техники безопасности и по антитеррористической безопасности. Лектор - к.т.н, профессор ЕИТИ Турсунов Мейрам Жумабекович. Преподаватель по дисциплине "Охрана труда и промышленная экология". Прочел лекцию по предупредительно-защитным мерам, как себя вести в институте или во время занятия в случае возможного теракта, обязанности должностных лиц, как себя вести если вас захва...
A student of the BTE-11 group received a certificate for participating in a social advertising contest
Наша студентка группы БТЭ-11 Секаева Эвелина Витальевна, под руководством эдвайзера Серьяновой А.С., участвовала в Экибастузском конкурсе социальной рекламы "Молодёжь против коррупции" и получила сертификат за участие, от председателя Молодежного общественного объединения "Кенжекөл жастары" Малдыбаевой А. ...
Meeting with the Deputy Head of the Ekibastuz City Police Department
Сегодня, 14 октября 2021 в Екибастузском инженерно-техническом институте имена академика К. Сатпаева прошла встреча с заместителем начальника Управления полиции города Экибастуза Павлодарской области Искаковым Даулетом Жасулановичем и начальником отдела кадровой политики Управления полиции города Экибастуза Павлодарской области Омаровым Кенжебаем Тауеловичем. В ходе беседы гости ознакомили студентов с квалификационными требованиями для поступления на службу в органы внутренних дел Республики Каз...
City clean-up day
Студенты Экибастузского инженерно-технического института им.ак. К.Сатпаева приняли участие в городском субботнике. ...
A dialogue platform on the prevention of anti-corruption orientation was held
18 сентября 2021 года в конференц-зале ЕИТИ им. академика К. Сатпаева прошла диалоговая площадка по профилактике антикоррупционной направленности. Студенты и ППС с интересом выслушали приглашённых спикеров к.и.н., Утеубаева Марата Толеутемировича, Председателя ОО "Ана ұлағаты", совета общественного согласия АНК РК, Сагындыкову Маруаш Жолтановну и старшего помощника прокурора Павлодарской области Карабаеву Гульнару Кабдылбакитовну. Участники встречи узнали о проблемах формирования антик...
Information about the organization of the educational process in the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year
Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after ac. K. Satpayev decided to organize the educational process in the second semester of 2020-2021 academic year for students: 1. of the first course in a mixed format. 2. To continue education for the 2nd and 3rd course students in distant or mixed formats depending on the areas of training according to the guidelines of the MES of RK on organization of educational process in universities during the period of precautionary measu...
The contest
Competition "Best University teacher" from November 9 to November 23, 2020, the Institute hosts an intra-University stage of the Competition "Best University teacher-2020» Full-time teachers who have at least five years of continuous research and teaching experience by the time of submitting documents for the Competition can participate in the Competition. To participate in the intra-University stage of the Competition, applicants must submit the following documents in electronic form or...
Integrity hour
Агентство Республики Казахстан по противодействию коррупции ежеквартально проводит республиканскую акцию «Час добропорядочности». Очередной «Час добропорядочности» в сентябре представлен в новом формате. Разработаны соответствующие видео-лекции на государственном и официальном языках и размещены в разделах «Час добропорядочности» канала Youtube. - на государственном языке;
From 01.04.2020 every Thursday 10-00 to 12-00 hours the EITI rectorate conducts hours of consultations on distance learning issues in the online webinar of the DET system for students and teaching sta
Senior Lecturer, Master of the Department
Senior lecturer, master of the Department "Transport" Salmanova Alina Nurtayevna participated as an expert of the monitoring group of JSC "National center of state scientific and technical expertise" of the Committee of science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in monitoring the implementation of scientific, scientific and technical projects and programs in the priority direction "Energy and engineering" from 23 to 26 October 2019 in Ust-Kamenogorsk....
Branch of NCCP JSC
At the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after academician K. Satpayev from 4.11.2019 - 15.11.2019 a branch of JSC NCPK "Orleu" conducts a course on the topic "Inclusive Education": various aspects of the organization of training and teaching for students with special educational needs of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan....
Futsal tournament for the 25th anniversary of EITI
On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after academician K.I. Satpayev, the department of the SHD and VT holds a sports event in various sports.The first tournament was held on February 9, 2019 in mini football among the teams of secondary special education institutions and our institute. The participants of the event were teachers and students of secondary vocational schools and the institute of Ekibastuz. There were 5 participant teams: E...
The results of the regional competition
The results of the regional competition "Zhas Galym - 2018", held by the Office for Youth Policy of Pavlodar RegionTeachers and students of our university brought participation in the contest "Young Scientist - 2018" and were awarded certificates:преп.магистр тех.наук, Потяга Л.А.студент гр. БМТ-21(к) Тукен Р.К....
Message of the Head of State - the basis of social policy
Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor of EETI, Uteubayev Marat Tuleuterovich, discussed the Message of the Head of State "Growth of the welfare of Kazakhstan: increase in the quality of life and life" and published an article in the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda". He caught the attention of the population and received good reviews.
Order on awarding Doctor 2018
Order of chairman of Committee № 1652 October, 9, 2018 "About awarding of degree of Ph.D. (PhD) ".The degree of Ph.D. (PhD) is awarded on speciality 6D070900 is Metallurgy of Nurmaganbetova Bakyt...
SOURCE OF INFORMATION: DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT. PROF. Z. A. GALIMOVA» On September 10, 2018, students of 3 and 4 courses of specialty 5B050600 " Economics "and 5B050700" Management " began training on the program of academic mobility in the Tajik state financial and economic University (TSFEU) in Dushanbe. The training is conducted by leading specialists of TSFEU.From 10.09. on 10.10.2018 two teachers of the Department " Economics and management of EITI. AK. K. Satpayev passed res...
РейтингОбразовательных программ института по оценке национальной палаты предпринимателей Республики Казахстан «Атамекен».- 5В070900 «Металлургия» - из 11 ВУЗов, принявших участие в рейтинге – 1 место;- 5В050600 «Экономика» - из 77 ВУЗов – 3 место;- 5В070200 «Автоматизация и управления» из 26 ВУЗов – 4 место;- 5В072400 «Технологические машины и оборудование»- из 21 ВУЗа – 4 место;- 5В071300 «Теплоэнергетика» - из 17 ВУЗов – 5 место;- 5В090100 «Транспорт, транспортная техника и технологии»- из 30...
Astana is a cradle of peace