The Department of "Construction" has specialized classrooms and laboratories in the disciplines: "Technology of construction production", "Geodesy", "Geotechnics", computer class, etc.
A laboratory on "Building materials" has been created at the department. Work is underway to create a pilot industrial laboratory for the production of building materials (hollow wall stone, paving slabs, etc.).
There is laboratory equipment, which is also actively used in carrying out research work, this is the IPA-MG4 device, theodolites 4T30P, levelers 4NZKL, the Le Chatelier device, devices for determining the density of concrete mixture, PG-100 pycnometers, the MGCHU device (electronic moisture meter), the Vika OGC-1 device, the soil AG hydrometer (0.995-1.030), the Rifey-5 installation for the production of building materials, etc.

The department has developed and is implementing a modular educational program "Construction" together with leading city-forming organizations: GIDROPROM LLP, Ait-Stroy LLP, Vershina LLP, Gamma LLP, permanent creative, educational, scientific ties are maintained and the tasks of the student and teacher mobility program between universities are being solved.
The purpose of the educational program is:
Training of highly educated, competitive specialists in the field of construction production, capable of professionally solving modern problems of design, technology of construction, operation and reconstruction of buildings and structures.
The concept of the Educational program "Construction"
The uniqueness of the educational program lies in the training of a specialist with computer-aided design and modeling skills and the use of new technologies in the processes of performing and organizing construction work.
The relevance, novelty and content of lectures, laboratory and practical classes, SRSP, SRS meets the necessary requirements for conducting classes.
In accordance with the curricula, various types of practices are conducted. The bases of practices are the leading construction organizations of the city: GIDROPROM LLP, Ait-stroy LLP, Vershina LLP, Gamma LLP.
staff of the Department of "Construction"

- Deshevy house for young families: recommendations for the design and construction of deshevy house: educational address/B. zh.Unaibayev, K. T. Sakanov, B. B. Unaibayev, V. M. Shegai, A. S. Kainazarova. - Pavlodar: ToraighyrovUniversity, 2019 – - 158 P.
Unaibayev B. zh. modern buildings and structures: educational and methodological support/ Unaibayev B. zh., Ishchanova A. Sh., doctor V. N., Arsenin V. A.-Ekibastuz: EITI named after academician K. Satpayeva, 2019 – 96 P.
Kanaeva T. A. New technologies in construction: educational address/T. A. Kanaeva. Ekibastuz EITI named after academician K. Satpayeva, 2018-132 P.
Unaibaev B. zh., Unaibaev B. B. SVAI in the hidden grounds of Kazakhstan: monograph. "I Don't Know," He Said. Almaty: Evero, 2018. - 376 P.
Unaibaev B. zh., Arsenin V. A., Unaibaev B. B., Sivaraksha D. M. innovations at the construction of the territory of buried soils in the Republic of Kazakhstan: monograph/Unaibaev B. zh., Arsenin V. A., Unaibaev B. B., Sivaraksha D. M. – Almaty: Evero, 2018. – 224 P.
Unaybayev B. B. technology of construction production. Part 1.Educational address. Ekibastuz: EITI im. "I'm Sorry," She Said. 2015., - 96 P.
Energy-efficient design and construction of civil buildings. Energy-efficient design and construction of civil buildings: textbook / Ishchanova A. sh., Kanaeva T. A.-Ekibastuz: EITI named after academician K. Satpayev, 2021. - 137 P.
Wooden and plastic structures / structures from wood and plastic / Kim E. E.. - Ekibastuz: EITI named after academician K. Satpayev, 2021. - 121 P.
Design and construction in regional soil conditions of Kazakhstan ( salt soils) / design and construction in regional soil conditions of Kazakhstan (covered soils): textbook / Unaibayev B. zh., Unaibayev B. B., Ishchanova A. Sh. – Ekibastuz: academician K. Satpayev EITI, 2021. – 176 P.
Technical operation of buildings and structures / technical operation of buildings and structures textbook / Ishchanova A. Sh., Kanaeva T. A. – Ekibastuz: EITI named after academician K. Satpayev, 2021. – 170 P.