The teachers of the department, in addition to teaching activities, regularly participate in the work of international scientific conferences, are published in scientific journals, publish scientific papers (Unaibaev B.Zh., Unaibaev B.B., Ischanova A.Sh., Doctorov V.N., Kim E.E. ., Shegai V.M., Kanaeva T.A.). Textbooks are constantly being created to accompany the educational process, such as "Technology of construction production" (Unaibaev B.B.), "Modern buildings and structures" (Unaibaev B.Zh., Ishchanova A.Sh., Doktorov V.N.), "New technologies in construction" (Kanaeva T.A.), "Agashtan zhane plastmasadadan zhasalgan constructor" / "Structures made of wood and plastic" (Kim E.E.), "Азаматтық ғимараттарды энергиялық тиімді жобалау және салу"/"Energy efficient design and construction of civil buildings" (Ischanova A.Sh., Kanaeva T.A.),«Өндірістік ғимараттарды жобаландыру негіздері/"Fundamentals of designing industrial buildings" (Ischanova A.Sh., Kanaeva T.A.), "Ғимараттар мен құрылыстарды техникалық пайдалану"/"Technical operation of buildings and structures” (Ishchanova A.Sh., Kanaeva T.A.) and others.
Students are also actively involved in the implementation of research and design work of the department. The research work of students is a continuation and deepening of the educational process and is one of the components of the training of highly qualified specialists.
Under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Unaibaev B.Zh., with the participation of teachers and students of the department "Construction", economic contract work is currently being actively carried out on the topic: "Cheap home for a young family" together with "Vershina GroupEK" LLP, with a total funding of 4,850 thousand tenge, the object of which is a cheap house for a young family.
The study is based on a critical analysis of known construction technologies of low-rise construction in order to improve them.
For the construction of a house, simple and effective housing construction technologies have been proposed: cheap local material (clay); slot foundation; rational architectural and planning layout of houses and the use of non-traditional renewable energy sources.
Also, work is being carried out jointly with students of the specialty on the initiative topic: "Development of recommendations for improving the efficiency of foundations in saline soils."
The object of study is saline soil at the base of buildings and structures.
The purpose of the work is to study saline soils in order to improve the effective arrangement of bases and foundations in them.
Based on the results of the studies, it is certain that already at the exploration stage, when building up a territory composed of saline soils, deep scientific studies are required. In this regard, comprehensive studies should be continued, both in the process of subsequent surveys, and in the design, construction and operation of facilities with constant adaptation, in the technogenic erection of buildings using structural, technical and technological solutions, taking into account the changing conditions occurring on areas of saline soil.
The proposed new geotechnologies will solve the problem of costly construction and operation of buildings and structures on saline soils.
Research methods - the methodological basis of the study was a critical analysis of known and applied technologies in order to improve them.
The obtained results and novelty - as a result of the development, a methodology was obtained for assessing the characteristics of saline soils under the conditions of their technogenic impact; regularities of changes in the properties of saline soils have been established.
The economic efficiency of the development is determined by the reliability and efficiency of the construction of buildings and structures in special conditions, in particular, on saline soils.
Scope - construction of buildings and structures in special conditions.

All teachers of the department undergo advanced training, internships, participate in international and republican scientific conferences and seminars.
On the right in the photo, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Statsenko A.S. - the author of textbooks and manuals popular in the CIS on technology, installation and organization of construction production, stone, installation, furnace work, construction guides.
On the left in the photo, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department "Construction" Unaibaev B.B. (Advanced training, BNTU, Minsk, 2021)